
Minggu, 22 April 2012

Office Tab Enterprise 8.50 Full Serial | Download

RADIT CREATIVITY : Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan sharing sebuah tools yang berguna untuk membuat Tab pada microsoft office. Nama tools nya yaitu Office Tab Enterprise, Office Tab Enterprise adalah software atau tools yang dapat sobat blogger gunakan untuk menambahkan tab pada Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, Publisher, dan Acces. Apabila sobat membuka banyak halaman Microsoft Office, pasti akan bertumpuk di Taksbar, Betul tidak? . Dengan software ini masalah tersebut bisa teratasi, karena dengan software ini sobat dapat membuka banyak halaman dalam satu jendela Microsoft Office. Software ini dapat di jalankan pada Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, dan 2010. Jadi tunggu apa lagi, Langsung aja di cek.

Screenshot :

Program Features :
  • Abundant positions and flexibility to show the Tab: Above Workspace, Below Workspace, Left Workspace or Right Workspace.
  • Office Tab allows you to customize the tab color.
  • Available to rename the saved Tab in the right click Tab pop-up menu.
  • Supply an independent Office Tab Center for configuring all the setting in Office Tab 4.00.
  • More than 11 Tab styles can be chose.
  • Office Tab can be hidden while there is one Tab.
  • You can drag the Tab from one Tab position to another Tab position in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel (except in Microsoft PowerPoint).
  • Right clicks the Tabs, there will pop-up a menu, which includes Close function, Rename function and so on.
  • Office Tab can be easily enabled or disabled.
  • Customize Tabs layout. Office Tab arranges 3 layouts for choosing: AutoSize, SizeToFit and Fixed.
  • Customize the max width of Tabs (for AutoSize and SizeToFit layout), and fixed width of Tabs (for fixed layout).
  • You can lock the Tab in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, but not in the Microsoft PowerPoint. The locked document Tabs or workbook Tabs cannot be saved or closed.
  • When the documents or workbooks have been modified, Office Tab will mark these modified documents or workbooks with an asterisk (*) in their names to indicate the modified documents or workbooks (except in Microsoft PowerPoint).
  • Close Tabs by clicking Middle Mouse Button or Double click Left Mouse Button on the Tab; to build new Tab just need to double click Left Mouse Button on the blank area of Tab bar.
  • Office Tab provides plenty of shortcuts helping you work with efficiency. Press "Win+Q" to hide/display the Tabs bar, press "Ctrl+Tab" to quickly switch between Tabs or press "Alt+N" to quickly select the specific Tabs. ('N' stands for the Order – Numbers of the Tabs from left to right on the Tab bar, the 'N' just can be the number 1 to 9 and include both 1 and 9)For example, there are five Tabs on the Tabs bar. You can just press "Alt+5″ to select the fifth Tab from the left on the Tab bar. – Office Tab supports customization of the hide/display Tabs bar shortcut and switch Tabs shortcut.
  • Word Documents Tabs supports to open current document in new windows, and Excel Workbooks Tabs supports to open current workbook in new Windows.

Download :
| Download Office Tab Enterprise 8.50 |
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Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^

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